Bratko Ivan
Ivan Bratko is professor of Computer Science at University of Ljubljana. He pioneered AI research in Slovenia. His most visible contributions are in machine learning, (inductive) logic programming and learning qualitative models, with applications in medicine, ecology and robotics. Recently, he has been interested in interpretable learning and planning with small data, and estimating difficulty of problems for humans. His publications include books Prolog Programming for AI (4th edition Pearson Education) and KARDIO: A Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for Expert Systems (with Mozetic and Lavrac, MIT Press). He worked as a visiting professor or researcher at various places, including J. Stefan Institute (Ljubljana), Edinburgh University, Strathclyde University (Glasgow), Sydney University, University of New South Wales (Sydney), Polytechnic University of Madrid, Alpen Adria University (Klagenfurt, Austria), Universidad del Sur (Bahia Blanca, Argentina), Delft University of Technology, Bogazici Univeristy (Istanbul). He received the Zois Award for outstanding scientific achievements, and is full member of SAZU (Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts) and IAS (Eng. Academy of Slovenia), fellow of EurAI and Academia Europaea.