Mohar Bojan
Bojan Mohar is a professor of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Mohar’s research concerns topological graph theory (graphs on surfaces, planar graphs), algebraic graph theory (laplace eigenvalues of graphs, spectrum of infinite graphs, graph algorithms), graph minors, and graph coloring (list coloring, edge-coloring, nowhere-zero flows). Mohar was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Ohio State University in 1988, and won the Boris Kidrič prize of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia in 1990. He has been a member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering since 1999. He was named a SIAM Fellow in 2018. He was elected as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society in the 2020 Class.
Research projects: Graph theory and combinatorics, especially its interpaly with algebra (including linear algebra), geometry and topology. Theoretical computing, in particular algorithms on graphs, approximation algorithms, fixed parameter tractability, and computational geometry and topolgy.