Martin Rihtaršič: A day in the life of an organic chemist
The American-Slovenian Educational Foundation (ASEF), in cooperation with the Škofja Loka High School, is organizing a popular science lecture, which will be held on Tuesday, October 25, at 6 p.m. by Martin Rihtaršič, an ASEF Junior Fellowholder of the 2022 generation and a master’s student in chemistry at UL FKKT. The lecture, which will be held in slovenian, is entitled “A day in the life of an organic chemist” and will take place at the Škofja Loka High School.
To view the lecture, you must register by October 25, no later than 5 p.m.
“What do chemists do in the lab all day?” During the lecture, we will learn more about the work of a researcher in the field of organic chemistry. We will walk through a typical research day and explain essential techniques in an organic laboratory. With a popular explanation, we will try to bring the complex world of science closer to the listeners. We will put ourselves in the role of a chemist, ask ourselves research questions and explain the importance of fundamental research for solving concrete challenges in pharmacy.
Martin Rihtaršič is completing his master’s degree in chemistry at UL FKKT. He started research in the field of organic chemistry at FKKT under the mentorship of prof. Jernej Iskra, where he realized his enthusiasm for working in the laboratory. He spent this summer at UIUC in the USA, where he was mentored by prof. David Šarlah and researched the total synthesis and derivatization of isocarbostyril alkaloids. If you can’t find it in a lab, it’s probably on a climbing wall or volleyball court.
ASEF Young Minds is a series of popular science lectures, which encourages young people to present their research work and experience gained within the framework of the ASEF fellowship program in a way that is accessible and understandable to the general public. In the project, ASEF connects with local organizations that operate in the places where the lecturers come from. The aim of cooperation is to connect and integrate young learners into the local Slovenian environment.
ASEF connects and unites Slovenian scientists and academics all over the world.
The project is supported by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth and the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad and the World.