Antlej Kaja
Dr Kaja Antlej is interested in digital heritage/virtual museums (design and evaluation of VR/AR/MR/XR/3D printing experiences) and human-centered design. She has an MSc in Industrial Design (2008, 3D scanning and 3D printing) and a PhD in Museum and Heritage Studies (2013, VR/AR, serious games and 3D printing for museum exhibitions), both from the University of Ljubljana. In 2015, Kaja completed her Endeavour Post-doctoral Fellowship (‘Australia’s Fulbright’) at the University of Canberra. She has been involved in NMC Horizon Reports (Museum Edition 2015, 2016), eCultValue (FP7), and ViMM – Virtual Multimodal Museum TA2.2 (H2020), UDigiSH DARIAH-EU (2019-). Dr Antlej is one of the leading researchers of The Little L Project immersive experience – three times highly commended including MAGNA 2019, partially featured at Science Centre Singapore, and exhibited at BoDW Hong Kong 2018. She is a member of ICOM, AMaGA, Interpet Europe, AAM, and Joint Co-Leader for VRARA Asia Pacific Digital Heritage CoP.
Research projects: Interdisciplinary projects in the area of digital heritage and virtual museums at the intersection of heritage interpretation/museum communication. human-centered experience design. human computer interaction and visitor/user experience studies. At Deakin’s CADET Virtual Reality Lab lead by Associate Professor Ben Horan – amongst olher ardas dedicated to training and simulation – we explore how to develop. design and evaluate engaging and immersive museum/heritage experiences using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Extended Reality (XR), senous/applied games and additive manufacturing or 3D printing.