Cantine Marjorie

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington

Marjorie Cantine joined the University of Washington as a faculty member in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences in autumn 2023, where she is a primary investigator in the UW TraceLab and leads the CarbChron research group. She received her BA in 2013 from Wellesley College and her PhD from MIT in 2021, with some time spent working on Wall Street in between. She was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow in the Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt from 2021-2023. She has lived in the United States, Germany, and Poland, and her research on sedimentary geology has taken her to five continents. Marjorie’s research focuses on the records of time and environment preserved within sediments, leveraging traditional geological fieldwork, isotope geochemistry, and simple numerical models to derive new insights into the processes that shape life on our planet over human and geological timescales. 

Research projects available focus on the sedimentary petrochronology of carbonate rocks.