Lea Knez is a Biochemistry Master’s student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. During her Bachelor’s studies, she worked at the Jožef Stefan Institute, where her research was focused on uncovering the molecular mechanism of a rare genetic disease – the Prader-Willi syndrome. In the last year of her studies in Ljubljana, she was selected to …
A Slovenian raised in the US, Rhea is pursuing a Masters of Business Informatics at the School of Economics and Business (SEB) University of Ljubljana. As the Project Manager at BLCKB Applied Neuroscience, she primarily focuses on the product development of Whitebox, a cloud platform for processing EEG as well as BRNoutID, a system for …
Vid Keršič is a Computer Science Master’s student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, where he also obtained his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. In the year 2020, he was selected as the 2nd best student at the University of Maribor. During his bachelor’s degree studies, he started working …
Metod recently graduated from the Masters in Data Science program at ETH Zurich. Before that, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Financial Mathematics at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana. Throughout his Masters, he worked on various research projects, ranging from developing privacy-preserving Machine Learning algorithms to analyzing the dynamics of financial markets based …
Gašper Grad is a Master’s student at University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business where he also obtained his bachelor’s degree. During his studies he has participated in study exchanges at Universidad de Deusto (San Sebastian, Spain) and Tecnologico de Monterrey (Nuevo Leon, Mexico). At his home university, he carries out seminars of human …
Maruša Gorišek is a MA of Political Science and a PhD student of Sociology at the School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica. She is working as a young researcher at the Institute for developmental and strategic analyses in Ljubljana, where she is a member of a research program titled Socio-cultural and organizational aspects …
Diplomiral sem iz biotehnologije, magisterij pa sem zaključil iz informacijskih tehnologij. Trenutno sem študent drugega letnika doktorskega študija informacijskih tehnologij pod mentorstvom prof. Nade Lavrač. Zanimajo me kompleksna omrežja ter učenje na le-teh, kot tudi aplikacije tovrstne metodologije na realnih bioloških problemih, kjer so podatki pogosto relacijski in heterogeni. V prostem času rad plezam ter …