Nared Dagmar

Dagmar Nared is currently a master’s student of sociology at the University of Oxford. She has an avid interest for social networks and connectedness, with an emphasis on public health and pro-environmental behaviour and attitudes. This interest grew from her high school years onwards, when she was a health and environmental activist at No Excuse Slovenia. After that, she participated in research projects regarding health and environment at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, and the Institute of Health and Environment. Dagmar is incredibly excited to work with dr. Teja Pristavec at the University of Virginia and to find out more on how to gather data and use it for public good.

Besides research, Dagmar believes there is nothing better than an early morning workout and an evening TV-show while crocheting. Or laughing at ridiculous jokes with friends and family.

Dagmar Nared je trenutno magistrska študentka sociologije na univerzi na Oxfordu. Zainteresirana je v socialne mreže in povezanost, s poudarkom na javno zdravje ter okoljsko vedenje ter prepričanja. Tovrstno zanimanje se je razvilo že v srednješolskih letih, ko je bila aktivistka na področju zdravja in okolja pri organizaciji Brez izgovora. Pozneje je sodelovala pri raziskovalnih projektih, ki se tičejo javnega zdravja in okolja, na Fakulteti za družbene vede v univerzi v Ljubljani in Inštitutu za okolje in zdravje. Dagmar se veseli sodelovanja z dr. Tejo Pristavec iz univerze v Virginiji in učenja novih kvantitativnih metod za javno dobro.

Poleg raziskovanja, Dagmar veseli še šport, kvačkanje, narava in serije, predvsem pa druženje s svojo družino in prijatelji.
