Tine Šteger je magistrski študent ekonomskih in poslovnih ved na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Dodiplomski študij je dokončal na področju politologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani. Zanimajo ga različna področja, najbolj pa se osredotoča na področje lokalnega in regionalnega razvoja, ki sloni na vključevanju ljudi in upošteva okoljske, etične in druge …
Tjaša Šavorič je doktorska študentka umetnostne zgodovine na univerzi v Leipzigu, Nemčija. Živi v Londonu in kot velika ljubiteljica umetnostne zgodovine sodeluje na številnih umetnostnozgodovinskih delavnicah in mednarodnih konferencah. Rada obiskuje galerije in kot mlada kuratorica pripravlja umetniške razstave v Sloveniji. Večino svojega časa posveča pisanju doktorske naloge in raziskovanju slovenskega umetnika in umetnostnega zgodovinarja …
Tijan Prijon je dodiplomski študent fizike na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani. ASEF štipendijski program je zanj izjemna priložnost, ki mu omogoča, da bo poletje preživel na Univerzi Princeton, kjer bo pridobival nova znanja ter pomembne raziskovalne izkušnje. Pri profesorju Andreju Košmrlju ter njegovi raziskovalni skupini bo sodeloval pri raziskovanja fazne separacije …
Dagmar Nared is currently a master’s student of sociology at the University of Oxford. She has an avid interest for social networks and connectedness, with an emphasis on public health and pro-environmental behaviour and attitudes. This interest grew from her high school years onwards, when she was a health and environmental activist at No Excuse …
Tjaša Mlakar graduated from Laboratory biomedicine at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana. After graduation, she went to Ireland, where she completed a four-month Erasmus+ trainee program working with flow cytometry at Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research, University College Dublin. Due to her great experience, she decided to stay in Ireland and …
Luka Kropivnik has a degree in Russian Studies and Slovene Studies. He completed his studies at the first level with a diploma thesis Mayakovsky in Contemporary Slovene Poetry, where he dealt with the influences of the Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky on contemporary Slovene poets. Between 2017 and 2019, he held the position of student vice-dean …
Tadej Krivec is pursuing a Ph.D. at Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Systems and Control. He graduated from college with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He aims to bridge the gap between engineering and recent developments in probabilistic machine learning, mostly using Gaussian Processes for learning dynamical systems. Frustrated …
Ajda Krišelj recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a 1st class honours MA degree in Cognitive Science (Humanities). For her honours dissertation, she explored the differences in mental representations between Slovenian and English native speakers, specifically how the dual grammatical number affects them. She spent the third year of her undergraduate degree in …
Špela is a second-year PhD student of Biosciences, University of Ljubljana. During her master’s study of Biotechnology at the University of Ljubljana, she worked as a student intern in Novartis company- Lek, d.d., in a Bioprocess laboratory, developing high yielding bioprocesses. She finished her master’s degree as a part of Erasmus+ exchange at the University …