Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship Program
The international exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State – the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship Program. The YTILI Fellowship Program offers a chance for young European business or social entrepreneurs from Slovenia to participate in a fully funded, six-week professional development program in the United States in Fall 2024.
About the YTILI Fellowship Program:
The program is designed to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, develop sustainable partnerships between U.S. and European entrepreneurs and innovators, promote regional integration and cooperation in Europe, and encourage European businesses, governments and civil society to develop their innovation ecosystems.
- The program will include approximately 49 business and social entrepreneurs, ages 25-35, from 49 eligible countries in Europe, including Slovenia.
- Ideal participants are individuals who have successfully started their own for-profit business and/or they implement an innovative solution to a pressing social challenge employing a job-creating and/or revenue-generating business model. Such social enterprises from the latter example can be for-profit or non-profit. Participants are required to have at least two years of relevant work experience and be currently employed.
- The U.S.-based exchange portion of the YTILI program will take place over 6 weeks in Fall 2024, tentatively scheduled for September 17 – October 25, 2024. It will consist of a one-week orientation and study tour, four weeks of individually tailored fellowships across the U.S., and the final week is a three-day closing in Washington, DC.
- The program will have a reciprocal component, which provides Fellows the opportunity to invite their Fellowship Host to the Fellow’s home country to implement a joint project.
- The program is fully funded by the U.S. Department of State and participation in it is free.
About the Application:
The Fall 2024 Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) Fellowship Program is currently open and will close on January 30, 2024, at 10 am Eastern Time. The program will be implemented in a single cycle, with all Fellows coming to the U.S. in Fall of 2024. The link to the application is: https://ais.americancouncils.org/ytili
Selection process:
All applications will be evaluated by independent selection panelists who will have an understanding of both the eligible countries and program requirements. The strongest applicants will be invited to participate in a virtual interview in spring 2024. Interview panelists will include the U.S. Embassy and American Councils representatives. We are hoping to identify one finalist from each YTILI country for the Fall 2024 program.
About American Councils:
With almost 50 years of experience in international education, American Councils works across approximately 130 countries and is supported by approximately 650 staff globally.