Nina Zupančič: Where do the Pancreas And the Surgical Soul Meet?
ASEF is organizing an online popular science lecture within ASEF Young Minds, which will be given on Tuesday, 31 May, at 7 pm by Nina Zupančič, ASEF Junior Fellow Generation 2020 and Specialist of the 6-Year Vascular Surgery Program, currently employed at the University Medical Center Ljubljana . The lecture is entitled “Where do the pancreas and the surgical soul meet? – case study ”.
To attend the lecture, you have to register in advance until May 31 at 6 pm at the following link. All registered to the event will receive a Zoom link on their email address on time.
Where is the surgical soul located and what is the risk of injury to the patient? How is the specialization program in vascular surgery? Why and when does a vascular surgery specialist meet with other branches of surgery? Based on the clinical case, we will answer the above questions. Surgical treatment of pancreatic transection will be presented. We will focus on damage to the main line of the pancreas and the diagnosis and surgical approaches to injuries of this type. The lecture is intended for anyone who is considering a specialization in surgery or is interested in the topic in general.
Nina Zupančič, Ph.D. med., is a specialist in a 6-year program in vascular surgery and is currently employed at the University Medical Center Ljubljana. Until 2018, she attended the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, after which she completed an internship at SB Novo mesto. During her studies, she took part in numerous study visits in Europe and beyond. One of the most important experiences was a six-month Erasmus study at Humboldt University in Berlin. After the internship, thanks to ASEF, she went on a three-month collaboration with prof. Mihaela Pavličev at the University of Vienna, Department of Evolutionary and Theoretical Biology. There she gained insight into scientific work and experience, which broadened her horizons, but she nevertheless decided to continue her clinical work. She began her specialization in surgery in early 2021, and after a general two years, she will continue with a focused program for vascular surgery. He fills his free time with painting. Traveling and learning about new cultures is an important part of her life that would be hard to miss.
ASEF Young Minds is a series of popular science lectures by young people, which encourages young people to present their research work and experience gained within the ASEF Junior Fellowship in a way that is accessible and understandable to the general public. In the project, ASEF connects with local organizations operating in the places where the lecturers come from. Through cooperation, the aim is to connect and integrate young intellectuals into the local Slovenian environment.