
Donate 1% of Income Tax to Young Talents

November 07, 2022

Every year, Slovenian taxpayers have the option of donating to charity, without it costing them anything. They can request that up to 1% of income tax be used to finance grant beneficiaries, which are non-governmental organizations, political parties, representative trade unions and other organizations. The ASEF Institute is one of the non-governmental organizations to which they can donate part of their income tax.

Donating part of the income tax does not cost anything, as it is a donation that is financed from already paid income tax.

Since 2014, ASEF has been enabling young talents from Slovenia to study at recognized universities around the world and young people with Slovenian roots to visit Slovenia and get to know the land of their ancestors with the help of kind donations. As many as 200 Junior Fellows have joined our community so far. ASEF builds bridges between Slovenians around the world, offers young people new opportunities and enriches the Slovenian treasury of knowledge.

With the help of donations, we will continue to create new opportunities for young talents and connect Slovenia with the world.

Some glimpses of the activities of the ASEF Institute.

You can determine the recipient of the donation in two ways

1. Through the eDavki website:

  • Look up the application “Zahteva za namenitev dela dohodnine za donacije (Doh-Don)”. 
  • Search for the prganizations by name or tax number, 
    • name: Inštitut ASEF za izobraževanje in raziskovanje
    • ASEF’s tax number: 84740175
  • the amount of the percentage you allocate (0.1, %, 0.2%, … 1%),
  • choose option “Oddaj vlogo”.

2. By signing a pysical copy of the applicaiton:

  • The application must be signed by hand and mailed or handed into the mailbox to the Financial Office, where the taxpayer is entered in the tax register.
  • We have prepared a form for you that already contains all the necessary information about our organization.
The CNVOS application below is also available to help you fill out the income tax allocation document.

CNVOS can send the document for you to FURS and make the entire process easier for you.

ASEF doesn’t save the data you input into the form above.

Once applied, the donation is valid every year. More information is avalible here.

The deadline to donate a part of the income tax to ASEF is December 31, 2023.

We will be grateful if you can recommend ASEF to your friends and relatives in Slovenia.

We thank you for your support!