
Why donate?

The American Slovenian Education Foundation aims to enhance Slovenian education activities and unite Slovenian scholars and educators across the globe. The Foundation offers a variety of high-impact grants and fellowship programs, high-quality events, teaching and learning materials, as well as facilitates international exchange of students and faculty.

In pursuit of our mission, ASEF welcomes and highly appreciates donations and contributions.

Donate to support charitable grants for highly talented, prospective ASEF Junior Fellows who wish to build a community of educators and leaders of excellence, character, and service.

Slovenian taxpayers can request that up to 1% of the income tax be used to finance the beneficiaries of donations, which are non-governmental organizations such as the ASEF Institute.

If you prefer to make a donation with a check, please make the check out to American Slovenian Education Foundation and mail it to:

American Slovenian Education Foundation
Attn: Jure Leskovec
1280 Arbor Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
United States of America

Sponsorship Levels

The ASEF’s impact would not be possible without
the generous support of our donors and grantors.

With gratitude and thanksgiving, we list the benefactors to the ASEF. These friends have helped us sustain the vision and mission since our beginning in 2014.

Thank you for your continued generosity

Your support helps our students, researchers, teachers and scientists to build a better society through educating Slovenians and Americans and building bridges across borders.

ASEF 10 Years of Impact donors
Thomas J. Brandi ($10,000)
Jure and Nina Leskovec ($10,000)
Matej Drev ($1,500)
Rok Sosic ($1,068.68)
N. in M. N. Simenc ($1,000)
Helena Pechaver Starc ($500)
Stephan Wallace ($534.59)
Gary Lekan ($534.50)
Peter Orazem ($267.40)
Diana Gremett ($213.98)
Gary Bukovnik ($160.57)
Sasa Caval ($160.57)
Margaret Schmidt ($150)
David Hrovatin ($125)
Dea Fackovic Volcanjk ($80.44)
Gaja Đukanović Babič ($75)
Michelle Von Merta-Sustarich ($75)
EOY Fundraiser 2023 donors
Thomas and Carol Brandi ($15.000)
Nina and Jure Leskovec ($10.000)
Matej Drev ($1.000)
Rok Sosic ($1.000)
Garry P. Lekan ($500)
Martin Simenc ($500)
Stephan Wallace ($500)
Goyko Stare ($200)
Milos Zefran ($200)
Anonimen donator ($200)
Peter Orazem ($125)
Bev and Bob Kochmann ($100)
William Knaus ($100)
Lodge 304 SNPJ ($100)
Dusan Omercevic (100 €)
Anthony Ravnik ($100)
Mark Vranicar ($100)
Dylan Ellis ($30)
Anonimen donator ($25)
EOY Fundraiser 2022 donors
F. Duncan M. Haldane Nobel Prize Fund ($10.000)
Thomas and Carol Brandi ($10.000)
Jure and Nina Leskovec ($10.000)
Martha and Alex Gorjanc ($5.250)
Anonymous donor ($5.000)
Anonymous donor ($3.150)
Jozef Antolin ($1.050)
Rok Sosic ($1.050)
Helena and Mario Pechaver Starc ($1.050)
Matija Peterlin ($1.050)
Peter Us ($1.050)
Matej Drev ($1.000)
Michael Briggins ($525)
Simenc Family ($500)
Stephen Wallace ($315)
Aostar, d.o.o. (300 €)
Peter Orazem ($210)
Mark Vranicar ($210)
Maya Margaronis ($200)
Milos Zefran ($200)
Anonymous donor ($180)
Michael F Antolin ($105)
Blair Kilpatrick ($105)
Bev and Bob Kochman ($105)
Robert Vidmar ($105)
David Hrovatin ($100)
Petra Kukanja (556,50 SEK)
Eric Leake ($52,50)
Klemen Mesarec Hercog (49 €)
Mark Vlasic ($25)
Benefactor ($100,000)
Thomas J. and Carol S. Brandi
Nina and Jure Leskovec
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Platinum donors ($25,000)
Zvonko and Draga Fazarinc
Igor Benko and Jasna Jurjovec
Atlas foundation and Ribnikar Fund
Santa Clara University and Santa Clara Jesuit Community
Gold donors ($10,000)
Ronald Artac
Ocepek Family
Rode Family
Haughey Family
Silver donors ($5,000)
American Mutual Life Association
Antolin and Wilczek Family
Bojana Fazarinc and Mark
Franciscan Fathers
Fuisz Family
Gordon and McShane Family
Gorjanc Family
Novak Family
Ravnik Family
Sosic Family
Bronze donors ($2,500)
Bajuk Family
Exelon Foundation
Gary Family
Hocevar Family
Hutar Family
Koci Family
Lyons Family
Slovenian Union of America
Stare Family
Stewart Family
Sofitel San Francisco Bay
Taylor and Gonella Family
Vavpotic Family
Plaque donors ($1,000)
Jožef Antolin
Katarina Bajuk
Michael E. Biggins
Bach Consort
Alice Gosak Gary and Norm Gary
Joseph F. and Margaret Govednik
Alexis Hocevar
Jim and Connie Lyons
Žiga Mahkovec
Suzana Ograjenšek
Frank and Joži Plut
Nadine Prah
Slovenian American Times
Slovenian Union of America
Studio Siposh, David Sipoš
Ying and Rok Sosič
Jacqui and Blair Stewart
Margaret A. Taylor
Žiga Vavpotič
Lucky and Audrey Vidmar
Johnny Young
Other donors

Anonymous donors, Aubrey Ardema, Michael F. Antolin, Stane Antolin, Jernej Barbič, Andrej Drejči Bevec, Mark E. Blanchard, Ana Bračič, Dennis E. and Diane Brahney, DJ Culkar, Terrence Dragovan, Matej Drev, Lina Dmitrovič, Ivo Dodič, Anna Eshoo, Beti Franca, Emil Gaspari, Christine Gorjanc and Family, Philip and Mary Grasser, Babak Hamadani, Robert and Jerry Hopkins, John and Lisa Hutar, Rudy Ivancic, Ferdo Ivanek, Željko Ivanek, Dorothy Jerneycic, Martin Junkar, Tom and Katy Kelly, Arnold and Jean Koci, Kenneth and Teresa Koci, Demijan Klinc, Kotar Industries,Thomas and Gaither Kyhos, Sean Mahon, Tom Martin, Lisa Mammel, Anton and Martina Mavretic, Molly McDonald, Frederick Mlakar, Ana Mihelich, Petra Mitchell, Jakob Murko, National Realty Development Corporation, B. Matija Peterlin, B. Lee Peterlin, Tony Pogorelc, Andrej Košmrlj, Branko and Sylvia Pisorn, Barbara Palmer, Nevio Prosen, Gregory Sadlek, Nadja Skale, Slovene National Benefit Society, Virginia Snyder, Gojko Stare, Carole R. Poirier, Bart State and Angela Percic, Boris Music and Hansa Brewery, Peter F. Orazem and Patricia M. Cotter, Ana and Tony Pirc, John Ravnik, Mirjam S. Ravnik, M. Rihtar, Jože Rožanec, Jonathan Saginaw, Mario L. Starc and Helena M Pechaver Starc, Bojan Šavrič, Tom Srsen and Sheliga Drug, Inc., Slovenian Genealogy Society International, Inc., Slovenian Museum and Archives, Steven and Rebekah Saum Boyd, Christopher Shobar, Mary Lou Vidergar and Frank M Videgar and Lisa V Lucas, Valentin Ribic, Mary Ann Vogel, Sandra P. Wilkens, Patrick Wolfe, BIA Separations, ABPhage.

Donors in Honor of Mia Rode, a Dedicated Teacher of Slovene

Julia Borden, Paul Colfer, Blair Kilpatrick, Anja Page

Donors In Memory of dr. France Rode

Kristina Arko, Dennis E. and Diane Brahney, Victor and Annabelle Der, Educational and Dramatic Club Slovenia, Zvonko and Draga Fazarinc, Dorothy and Bradley J. Flynn, Alice Gosak Gary and Norman Gary, Anton Gosar, Diana and Andre Gremett, H.P. Retired Employees Club, Inc., John M. and Lisa A. Hutar, Rex R. Inglis, Ferdo Ivanek, Arnold J. and Jean J. Koci, Jeremiah D and Mary P Lehane, Jure Leskovec, Anastassios P. and Maya Margaronis, Mark Morgenthaler, Frank and Jozica Plut, Anthony Ravnik, Mark E. Ryavec, Robert Shaw and Maureen McLaughlin, Slovenian Progressive Home, Louis and Maria Stalcar, Donna L. Whitney, Eugenie M. Watson, Security Benefit Life Ins. Co.