Why donate?
The American Slovenian Education Foundation aims to enhance Slovenian education activities and unite Slovenian scholars and educators across the globe. The Foundation offers a variety of high-impact grants and fellowship programs, high-quality events, teaching and learning materials, as well as facilitates international exchange of students and faculty.
In pursuit of our mission, ASEF welcomes and highly appreciates donations and contributions.
Donate to support charitable grants for highly talented, prospective ASEF Junior Fellows who wish to build a community of educators and leaders of excellence, character, and service.
Slovenian taxpayers can request that up to 1% of the income tax be used to finance the beneficiaries of donations, which are non-governmental organizations such as the ASEF Institute.
If you prefer to make a donation with a check, please make the check out to American Slovenian Education Foundation and mail it to:
American Slovenian Education Foundation
Attn: Jure Leskovec
1280 Arbor Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
United States of America
The ASEF’s impact would not be possible without
the generous support of our donors and grantors.
With gratitude and thanksgiving, we list the benefactors to the ASEF. These friends have helped us sustain the vision and mission since our beginning in 2014.
Thank you for your continued generosity
Your support helps our students, researchers, teachers and scientists to build a better society through educating Slovenians and Americans and building bridges across borders.
Donors In Memory of dr. France Rode
Kristina Arko, Dennis E. and Diane Brahney, Victor and Annabelle Der, Educational and Dramatic Club Slovenia, Zvonko and Draga Fazarinc, Dorothy and Bradley J. Flynn, Alice Gosak Gary and Norman Gary, Anton Gosar, Diana and Andre Gremett, H.P. Retired Employees Club, Inc., John M. and Lisa A. Hutar, Rex R. Inglis, Ferdo Ivanek, Arnold J. and Jean J. Koci, Jeremiah D and Mary P Lehane, Jure Leskovec, Anastassios P. and Maya Margaronis, Mark Morgenthaler, Frank and Jozica Plut, Anthony Ravnik, Mark E. Ryavec, Robert Shaw and Maureen McLaughlin, Slovenian Progressive Home, Louis and Maria Stalcar, Donna L. Whitney, Eugenie M. Watson, Security Benefit Life Ins. Co.