Porcelo Zakelj Ana

Ana, better known as Anči, is an advanced student of the Bachelor of Arts at the National University of Tucumán, Argentina. She has been working as a Teaching Assistant of 2nd Category in the subject Spanish Language II (Lengua Española II) since 2018 and is currently completing an exchange scholarship at the University of Cologne, Germany. Throughout her studies she was interested in linguistics, an area from which she approached the study of the Slovene community settled in her province, Tucumán. From 2019 to 2021 she participated as a teacher for beginners at the Slovenian language school Janez Evangelist Krek. Being able to participate in the ASEF programme Visit Slovenia will give her the opportunity to update and deepen her knowledge of the land of her grandparents, both linguistically and culturally. She will also be able to establish new links with other fellows and professionals, which will surely contribute to her professional and personal development. In this way she will be able to pass on what she has learnt to other members of the Slovene community in Tucumán, and thus contribute to the maintenance of Slovene culture and language in Argentina. In her free time Anči enjoys reading and going to the gym, going for walks, and meeting friends and family. She also enjoys learning new things and meeting people from other places and cultures.
