Keršič Vid

Vid Keršič is a Computer Science Master’s student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, where he also obtained his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. In the year 2020, he was selected as the 2nd best student at the University of Maribor. During his bachelor’s degree studies, he started working at the Blockchain Lab:UM at the faculty, researching blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, data privacy, and self-sovereign identity. He is also researching and developing machine learning models for learning representation of entities in graph-structured data (e.g., Wikipedia graph). As part of the ASEF Junior Fellowship program, Vid will visit prof. Jure Leskovec at Stanford University, to work on artificial intelligence-related projects. He is very excited about the research visit, which will surely help him learn many new skills for his future projects.

During his spare time, Vid likes to travel, play tennis, read science fiction books, and watch movies and documentaries.

Vid Keršič je študent magistrskega študija Računalništva in informacijskih tehnologij na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Mariboru, kjer je tudi diplomiral. Leta 2020 je bil izbran za drugega najboljšega študenta Univerze v Mariboru. Tekom diplomskega študija je na fakulteti začel sodelovati v skupini Blockchain Lab:UM, v sklopu katere raziskuje tehnologijo veriženja blokov, zasebnost podatkov in upravljanje digitalnih identitet. Aktiven je tudi pri razvoju in raziskovanju modelov strojnega učenja za učenje predstavitve entitet v podatkih v obliki grafa (na primer graf Wikipedije). V sklopu programa ASEF Junior Fellowship bo Vid obiskal prof. dr. Jureta Leskovca na Univerzi Stanford, kjer bo delal na projektih s področja umetne inteligence. Raziskovalnega obiska se zelo veseli, saj mu bo gotovo pomagal pridobiti nove veščine, ki mu bodo pomagale pri bodočih projektih.

V prostem času rad potuje, igra tenis, bere znanstveno-fantastične knjige in gleda filme ter dokumentarce.
