Škerlep Domen

Domen is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He has just completed an exchange semester in Astrophysics at the University of Queensland, Australia. Throughout his education, Domen has authored a scientific article that has been published in the mathematical journal Matrika. He is currently researching the aerodynamics and acoustics of distributed propeller propulsion systems as part of his Honours programme and the EU project ENODISE. During the summer he will research at the CERN Institute in Geneva. In the past, he has participated in debating tournaments in Bangkok, Hanoi and at Harvard University and Yale University, where he placed 3rd amongst all the European teams. Domen is part of the Elite Sports program in the Hague and has been playing competitive volleyball in the Slovenian, Dutch and Australian national leagues for over 11 years. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing and playing tennis. As a part of the ASEF Junior Fellows programme, he will conduct research with Prof. Dr. Andrej Košmrlj at Princeton University in the USA.
