Vidmar Robert

Robert recently finished a PhD in Biochemistry at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He decided to continue with his research on proteolytic enzymes and their function in health and disease at Jožef Štefan Institute. Robert is highly involved in several aspects of biochemistry like molecular and cellular biology combined with mass spectrometry-based proteomics. In his work, he covers different aspects of protease research ranging from the production of recombinant proteases, their characterization, and determination of their cleavage specificity to uncovering their physiological and pathological roles.

This summer Robert will be visiting prof. Andrej Šali at the University of California, San Francisco where he would like to deepen his knowledge, expand his research network and of course get new and exciting data about molecular mechanisms of autophagy. More precisely, Robert would like to obtain experimental data on structural features of autophagy signaling complexes and combine them with bioinformatic modelling approaches available at prof. Šali’s lab.

Besides being a dedicated and highly motivated researcher Robert tries to spend every free minute with his family, goes for a bike ride, to the mountains or simply spends calm moments gardening.
