Metod recently graduated from the Masters in Data Science program at ETH Zurich. Before that, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Financial Mathematics at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana. Throughout his Masters, he worked on various research projects, ranging from developing privacy-preserving Machine Learning algorithms to analyzing the dynamics of financial markets based on the news sentiment. In his thesis work, Metod focused on the area of deep probabilistic modelling, namely on improving the scaling properties of such models. Outside of studies and work, Metod enjoys travelling and all kinds of sports (basketball, skiing, tennis). He is excited to join the ASEF Junior Fellows program and ASEF’s mission to strengthen academic ties between Slovenian researchers back home and abroad. As part of the program, he will visit Prof. Jure Leskovec at Stanford University.
Metod je pred kratkim zaključil magistrski študij na področju Data Science na univerzi ETH v Zürichu. Pred tem je diplomiral iz finančne matematike na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko v Ljubljani. Tekom magisterija je delal na različnih Machine Learning raziskovalnih projektih: od razvoja algoritmov, ki slonijo na ohranitvi zasebnosti podatkov do analize dinamike finančnih trgov na podlagi sentimenta iz novic. V svoji magistrski nalogi se je osredotočil na področje globokih probabilističnih modelov. V prostem času Metod uživa v potovanjih in je športni navdušenec (košarka, smučanje, tenis). V okviru programa ASEF bo obiskal profesorja Jureta Leskovca na univerzi Stanford in se veseli, da bo lahko prispeval k krepitvi akademskih vezi med slovenskimi raziskovalci doma in v tujini.