Matej studied chemistry at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology and finished his studies in 2009. Afterwards he did his PhD in prof. Boris Turk’s lab at Jozef Stefan Institute and defended his PhD in 2014. Currently, Matej is working as a research assistant, his main research field is proteomics which he often combines with classical biochemistry. During his PhD he has gained advanced technical knowledge in the field of high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics and was leading the development of new proteomic approaches for chemical labeling of protease generated N-termini, that enabled the identification of protease substrates and corresponding cleavage sites. Matej was also working on the development and validation of SMART fluorescent probes for cysteine proteases that they were developing in the LIVIMODE (FP7) project. This summer Matej will have the great opportunity to expand his knowledge and work with prof. Sali at UCSF, where he will concentrate especially on bioinformatic approaches to explore and process large proteomic datasets to provide more integrative insights into different molecular players in health and disease.