Martín Hernán Di Marco is a PhD candidate in Social Sciences from Buenos Aires University (UBA, Argentina). He completed his degree in Sociology at UBA and he currently has teaching positions in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Health Department (UNLaM). His research interests include violence and violent deaths, public health, socio-cultural epidemiology, life stories and data triangulation. His PhD project is focused on the analysis of social and institutional trajectories of men who have committed homicides in the outskirts of Buenos Aires Capital City.
As part of the ASEF Fellowship Program, Martín will be visiting Dr. Tit Albreht, from the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). During his stay, he will get to know the Public Health System of Slovenia, study the link between different forms of violence and health in this country and, at the same time, learn how these forms of violence are tackled in public policies. In his free time, he looks forward to getting to know Slovenia —his grandmother’s land—, trying as much food as possible and learning as many recipes as he can.