Lapajne Luka

Luka Lapajne is a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty. He is a medical doctor who is currently working as a young researcher at the Eye hospital in Ljubljana. He wants to specialize in ophthalmology and become an eye surgeon. His current research is focused on corneal diseases. In collaboration with Jožef Stefan Institute, he is hoping to discover new functional and morphological aspects of those diseases and contribute to a better understanding of the pathologies and ultimately new treatment options. He is also a part of an interdisciplinary team that is introducing new stem cell-based therapy at the Eye hospital in Ljubljana. During his stay in the USA, he will be working with prof. David Križaj, who is a world-renowned researcher in the field of ophthalmology. Grateful to have been given this opportunity he is eager to make the most of it and is confident that this visit will bring him significant academic growth that could shape his future research career. In his free time, Luka likes different sports. He is passionate about skiing and cannot imagine a winter without a week in a proper alpine ski resort.
