Marko Dafne

Dafne Marko is a MA student of Cognitive Science at the University of Ljubljana. In 2015, she finished her BA studies in translation (Slovene-English-German) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. During her undergraduate education, she developed a strong interests in corpus linguistics, natural language processing and language technologies. She joined several national research projects related to corpus linguistics and language resources, mainly helping with manual annotations, building datasets and evaluating tools for automatic annotation. In 2015 she joined the bilateral project “Semantic Role Labelling in Slovene and Croatian” with the main goal of developing a corpus with semantic role annotations to be used as training data for supervised machine learning systems. Dafne co-authored several scientific articles and attended different summer schools, seminars and conferences with the aim to gain experience and knowledge in her topics of interest. This year she will collaborate with prof. Gašper Beguš at the University of Washington, where she will work on projects related to computational linguistics, phonology and computational modeling. Apart from her interests in natural language processing, Dafne is a sport enthusiast who loves to ski, ride her road bike and train martial arts.
