Tušar Anja

Anja Tušar is currently finishing an MSc in Biotechnology at the University of Ljubljana after completing a BSc in Microbiology. Her laboratory work for her master’s thesis was done under the supervision of prof. dr. Roman Jerala at the National Institute of Chemistry, where she acquired knowledge and experience in the field of recombinant protein production. Anja obtained previous experience in the area of synthetic biology at the Max-Planck Institute in Marburg and at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen. She is looking forward to spending the summer at the laboratory of prof. dr. Boštjan Kobe at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where she will expand her knowledge about protein structure and work on function studies of proteins involved in Toll-like receptor signaling. Besides doing research Anja is grateful for the opportunity to travel to Australia and explore the culture by meeting the locals.
