Krišelj Ajda

Ajda Krišelj recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a 1st class honours MA degree in Cognitive Science (Humanities). For her honours dissertation, she explored the differences in mental representations between Slovenian and English native speakers, specifically how the dual grammatical number affects them. She spent the third year of her undergraduate degree in New Zealand studying at the University of Auckland, where she actively engaged with the Slovenian community. Currently, she is working as an Academic Mentor in a primary school in London, where she is doing interventions in primary numeracy and trying to tackle the gaps in pupil’s knowledge caused by the school closures. She is hoping to pursue a master’s degree in Speech and Language Science at UCL later.

She is very honoured for the opportunity to explore linguistic intricacies further by visiting prof. Gašper Beguš at UC Berkeley as an ASEF Junior Fellow. She is excited to contribute to research about how language works in the brain and applying that to clinical practice. In her free time, she enjoys playing the harp, singing in a choir, climbing, and mountaineering. She likes to travel and meet new people as well.

Ajda Krišelj je pred kratkim z odliko diplomirala iz kognitivne znanosti na Univerzi v Edinburghu. Za diplomsko nalogo je raziskovala, kako se mentalne reprezentacije razlikujejo med maternimi govorci slovenščine in angleščine, bolj natančno, kako na njih vpliva dvojina. Tretji letnik je preživela na Novi Zelandiji, kjer je študirala na Univerzi v Aucklandu. Aktivno se je vključila v tamkajšnjo slovensko skupnost. Trenutno dela kot akademska mentorica na osnovni šoli v Londonu, kjer pomaga učencem, ki so zaradi zaprtja šol ostali za svojimi vrstniki. Upa, da bo naslednje leto nadaljevala študij jezikoslovja in logopedije na magistrski stopnji v Londonu.

Zelo je počaščena, da bo lahko nadaljevala svoje lingvistično raziskovanje med obiskom pri prof. Gašperju Begušu na univerzi Berkeley v Kaliforniji. V prostem času rada igra harfo, poje v zboru, pleza in hodi v gore. Rada tudi potuje in spoznava nove ljudi.
