Stellatelli Agustin

Agustin Stellatelli is a lawyer who graduated from the Catholic University of Argentina. He is currently writing his postgraduate thesis on labor law that he intends to deliver at the end of 2021 to continue with his master’s degree. His studies and his professional actions as a lawyer are marked by a special sensibility towards social problems. Agustin loves his country and firmly believes that Argentina needs to learn from international experiences. His visit to Slovenia will give him the opportunity to get to know closer the culture and the judiciary, and the political system. He is keen on labor law and human scourges in general, politics, and history, which he tries to approach with a proper humanistic vision. Agustin is passionate about rowing, cycling, and other sports, and he likes to challenge himself. He considers sports as a means of sharing with others. Agustin is sure that his visit to Slovenia will have a considerable impact not only on him but also on his family and community. His wife is Slovenian, and therefore, his interest in the culture, history and all aspects of the country grew naturally. He is looking forward to fruitful cooperation with his mentor while studying the Slovenian language and discovering all the beauties Slovenia offers.
