The 2021 ASEF Fellow Pablo Arraigada Did His Research Visit During the Summer to Ljubljana
The 2021 ASEF Fellow Pablo Arraigada arrived in Ljubljana in July for his research visit during the summer. After a ten-day quarantine, he started his research with his mentor, Miklavž Komelj, Slovene poet and art historian. It was his fourth time in Slovenia, but the Covid-19 measures and restrictions made it different on some points. Every travel, reservation, or event was due to caution, fast test, and other cares!
He is working on his Ph.D. about the partisan literature in ex-Yugoslavia. The Fellowship let him find books and info important for the research. He spent some days at the Slovenian libraries, working with Milena Mohorič, Kajuh, and France Balantič. In addition, he traveled to different cities with a partisan history, like Nova Gorica and Kočevje. Besides, he met with professors and colleagues from the university and got to know ASEF Fellow Luka Kropivnik, who helped him a lot with the project.
However, he also enjoyed the cultural events in Slovenia. Pablo was at Dnevi poezije in vina festival, at various poetry events and concerts in Slovenia, like Bijelo Dugme, Vlado Kreslin, and Magnifico.
The research visit was made possible by ASEF and supported by the Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu.