Sustainable Development Goals: Between Utopia and Reality
After 4 months of in-depth work within the ASEF tutoring groups, that are a part of the ASEF Tutorial Program, ASEF is organizing the first round table entitled “Sustainable Development Goals: Between Utopia and Reality”. The event will take place in a hybrid version.
The round table will take place on Wednesday, February 1, at 7 p.m. in the Prešern Hall at SAZU (Novi trg 4, 1000 Ljubljana) and via Zoom.
ASEF Tutorial Program is based on work in small groups of ASEF Junior Fellows in the form of independent research, discussion and writing contributions on socially relevant topics, which are led by tutors in individual fields.
In the academic year 2022/2023, each of the six groups chose one of the goals of sustainable development as defined by the United Nations (UN). Work on selected topics within individual groups will be presented under the title of the round table ‘Sustainable Development Goals: Between Utopia and Reality’.
The round table will have ASEF Junior Fellows of the 2022 generation from six tutoring groups participating by sharing the key findings of their groups:
- Biochemistry and chemistry: Martin Rihtaršič (tutor prof. dr. Zdenko Časar)
- Physics and mathematics: Natan Dominko Kobilica (tutor associate professor dr. Sašo Grozdanov)
- Computer science: David Nabergoj (tutor prof. dr. Ivan Bratko)
- Finance: Matej Škerlep (tutor izr. prof. dr. Aleksandra Gregorič)
- Biology and medicine: Jakob Timotej Stojanov Konda (tutor Ana Ramovš, dr. med.)
- Art and social sciences: Arjana Savarin (tutor Robert Dolinar)
The event will be coordinated by Maja Ratej, presenter at Val 202.
Pre-registration for the event is required by Wednesday, February 1, at 5 p.m. When registering, you choose the type of participation – on location or via Zoom. All registered participants will receive a Zoom link to access the round table by email on the day of the event.
The event is organized with the support of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.