Junior Fellows

Presentation of the ASEF Fellowship program at the Challenges Abroad event of the UL Career Centers

October 10, 2023

On Monday, October 9, a presentation of ASEF Institute was held as part of the Challenges Abroad event in cooperation with the UL Career Centers.  The event took place at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana.

During the event, ASEF Junior Fellows Arjana Savarin and Lara Snoj, shared their experiences of a 10-week research visit. Arjana conducted her visit in the Netherlands under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Peter J. Verovšek, while Lara recently completed her research visit in the USA with Prof. Dr. Klementina Fon Tacer. During the event, Arjana and Lara highlighted the benefits of the ASEF Fellowship program Research abroad and addressed all the questions raised by the participants. 

In addition to ASEF, Erasmus+, Eutopia, Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, DAAD, France, Opportunities in UN and OSCE and Eures also presented themselves at the event.

ASEF Junior Fellows