Popular Science Lecture by Prof. dr. Andrej Prša on the Role of Translational Binary Stars in Modern Astrophysics
You are invited to a lecture by an ASEF mentor organized by SMUL on Monday, February 21, at 4 pm Slovenian time. Register here.
Overlapping binary stars are considered one of the most important laboratories of stellar astrophysics. Observing the time dependence of light and the dynamic properties of binary stars allows us to measure the basic properties of stars in a binary constellation: their masses, radii, temperatures and emissions. The results of binary star studies are used to calibrate the entire astrophysics – from the stars in our galaxy to estimates of the mass of the entire baryon universe.
Dr. Andrej Prša is a professor of astrophysics at Villanova University, a member of the SMUL and ASEF network. Most of his work is based on modeling large astronomical data sets and using large-scale nonlinear regression models using backpropagation neural networks, stochastic embedding algorithms, and Mark Monte Carlo chain samplers. In 2018, he received the prestigious Veritas Award for Outstanding Research. He is actively involved in extensive international research Kepler / K2, TESS, LSST, SDSS / APOGEE and Gaia.