Domen Pregeljc: ‘Multiscale Computer Modeling: From Electronic Structure to Cellular Mechanisms’
The American Slovenian Educational Foundation (ASEF) is organizing a popular science lecture on Friday, April 14th, at 7 pm in collaboration with MC Podlaga and the Sežana Student Club. The lecure will be held by Domen Pregeljc, ASEF Junior Fellow 2022 and a PhD student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). The lecture is entitled “Multiscale computer modeling: from electronic structure to cellular mechanisms” and will take place at the MC Podlaga premises in Sežana (Kosovelova 4b, 6210 Sežana).
To attend the lecture, you must register by April 14, no later than 6 p.m.
Methods based on mathematical, physical, and chemical theories that take advantage of the increasing computational power available today play an important role in science. They are often cheaper and faster than traditional experiments and, in some cases, provide insight into mechanisms beyond the reach of experiments. During the lecture, several approaches used to study phenomena of different size scales will be presented, including how computer simulations can help predict the effect of enzyme mutations on their function and how the presence of a particular substance affects signaling pathways in a neuronal cell.
Domen Pregeljc received his Master’s degree in Chemistry with Molecular Physics from Imperial College London in 2022. He is currently a PhD student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). Since 2022, he has been an ASEF Junior Fellow, and he conducted his research visit with Prof. Dr. Andrej Šali at the University of California, San Francisco. His research interests primarily lie in computer modeling of processes that are important in medicine at different temporal and spatial scales.
ASEF Young Minds is a series of popular science lectures, which encourages young people to present their research work and experience gained within the framework of the ASEF fellowship program in a way that is accessible and understandable to the general public. In the project, ASEF connects with local organizations that operate in the places where the lecturers come from. The aim of cooperation is to connect and integrate young learners into the local Slovenian environment.
ASEF connects and unites Slovenian scientists and academics all over the world.
MC Podlaga is a place where young people in Sežana can socialize and spend their free time creatively.
The Sežana Student Club was founded in 1965 and brings together students from the former municipality of Sežana, i.e., the present municipalities of Divača, Hrpelje, Kozina, Komen, and Sežana. It is particularly proud of the successful implementation of the youth center MC Podlaga, which is not only open to students but is also a place where all Sežana youth can come.
The project is supported by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth and the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad.