ASEF Tutorial Program enters its fifth year with the introductory tutor meeting
On Tuesday, the 5th of November, tutors and the ASEF team officially started the ASEF Tutorial Program 2024/2025 at an introductory meeting. During the event, the ASEF team presented the importance of tutoring and the program itself, which is focused on the exchange of views, deeper understanding of socially relevant topics and the personal relationship between tutors and participants. They presented the success of the programme in the previous year and together with the tutors outlined the timeline for the upcoming year. Presentation was followed by a debate on the opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation between the groups.

The event brought tutors and ASEF representatives. In the tutoring year 2024/2025, 6 tutors are participating based on the interests and fields of study of the students: prof. dr. Ivan Bratko (Computer Science), assoc. prof. dr. Sašo Grozdanov (Physics and Engineering), prof. dr. Jan Žibert (Medicine), prof. dr. Miha Humar (Environmental Protection and Tourism), dr. Alen Krajnc (Biochemistry and Chemistry) and assoc. prof. dr. Petra Weingerl (Law and Social Sciences). Among the ASEF representatives, the meeting was attended by the new director of the ASEF Institute, dr. Rok Sekirnik, who welcomed tutors with an introductory speech, and the Head of the Tutorial Program dr. Jože Rožanec, who presented the programme for the new academic year in more detail. Barbara Zagorc and Tina Geč attended the meeting from the ASEF office.

As part of the ASEF Research Abroad Fellowship Program, the tutorial program brings together participants and tutors for monthly meetings to discuss a specific topic. The theme of the 2024/2025 program is elimination of hunger or food sustainability and is based on the United Nations sustainable development goals. The ASEF Tutorial Program aims to create a stimulating and supportive environment for tutors and participants, enabling sustainable growth and development for all parties involved. As part of the tutorial program, ASEF publishes yearly publication with essays by the tutorees and organises round tables throughout the year to present the work within the program to a wider audience.
The first round table of this year’s program will take place on the 19th of March 2025. ASEF is already looking forward to the results that will emerge from the Tutorial Program 2024/2025.