ASEF Junior Fellow 2017 Angelika Vižintin Presented a Study at ERK 2021 Conference
We are very thrilled to share news of the outcomes of an ASEF research visit! At the 30th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2021 held in Portorož, ASEF Junior Fellow 2017 Angelika Vižintin, a Ph.D. student at the Laboratory of Biocybernetics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, presented a study for which the majority of the lab work was conducted by ASEF Junior Fellow 2021 Sonja Košir from the US. It is always a pleasure to share success stories of our young researchers.
The paper entitled “Decreases in Cell Viability Resulting from Metal Ions Present in Stainless Steel in Electroporated and Nonelectroporated Cells” is available online: https://bit.ly/3lfHO6x.
ASEF research visits to Slovenia are supported by Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu.