An Outstanding Achievement by the Biochemistry and Chemistry Tutoring Group
We are proud to announce that a scientific article authored by the ASEF Tutorial Group in Biochemistry and Chemistry has been published in the latest issue of Anali PAZU HD. The article was prepared by ASEF Junior Fellows who participated in the ASEF Tutorial Program last year, under the exceptional mentorship of Prof. Dr. Zdenko Časar.
The article, titled “Licensing in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Trends and Strategies“, is now available online.
The ASEF Tutorial Program is designed to foster collaboration between Junior Fellows and Tutors, enabling the creation of high-quality research projects. This published article is a remarkable example of how the integration of knowledge, innovative ideas, teamwork, and mentorship can lead to outstanding results.
Congratulations to the entire team for their contribution and excellent collaboration: Meta Kodrič, Jona Novljan, Domen Pregeljc, Jure Rebselj, and Martin Rihtaršič. A special thank you goes to the ASEF Tutor, Prof. Dr. Zdenko Časar, for his exceptional support, motivation, and dedication to empowering the development of this talented group!