ASEF Virtual Visit: Marko Zeman Working With the Group at Harvard University
Marko Zeman, the 2021 ASEF Junior Fellow, is currently working on a research project remotely with the group at Harvard University under the supervision of Assis. Prof. Dr. Marinka Žitnik.
He is researching new models for the classification of irregular time series in machine learning. His work mainly covers healthcare data, where the goal is to predict the patient’s length of hospital stay or mortality. The main challenge is dealing with irregularly sampled laboratory measurements, missing data, and with the substitution or the absence of measuring devices over time.
Marko hopes that the research work will conclude with the improvement of state-of-the-art methods in this field of machine learning. His wish is to be able to visit Harvard University in Massachusetts, USA sometime in the future and get the chance to meet exceptional people with whom he is now working remotely.