Interim Evaluation of the ASEF Tutorial Program
On Monday, April 15, tutors and the ASEF team gathered for an interim evaluation as a crucial step in the continuous improvement of the ASEF Tutorial program, aimed at providing quality support to both tutors and participants. The interim evaluation included a thorough analysis of the work done so far. Tutors highlighted their experiences and findings from working with ASEF Junior Fellows, emphasizing successes, challenges, and providing suggestions for improvements. Based on the feedback received, guidelines were formulated to enhance program support, training, and collaboration between tutors and the ASEF team, which will be implemented in future development.
The event was attended by six members of the ASEF Tutorial program’s working team, comprising 3 tutors and 3 ASEF representatives. The tutors participating in the 2023/2024 academic year are selected based on their interests and fields of study. They include Prof. Dr. Ivan Bratko (Computer Science), Prof. Dr. Zdenko Časar (Biochemistry and Chemistry), and Ana Ramovš, MD (Biology and Medicine). Among the ASEF representatives, Dr. Rok Sekirnik, the head of the ASEF Tutorial program, volunteer Jože Rožanec, and Iris Brili from the ASEF office participated in.
Tutorship is part of the ASEF Fellowship program Research Abroad, where group members, along with tutors, engage in monthly discussions on specific current topics. This year’s topics revolve around the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. The ASEF Tutorial program aims to create a stimulating and supportive environment for tutors and participants, fostering sustainable growth and development for all involved parties.As part of the tutorship program, roundtable discussions are organized throughout the year to showcase the work within the tutorship to a wider audience. The next roundtable discussion titled “Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence II” will take place on May 29th at 6:00 PM in the Prešeren Hall (SAZU) and via Zoom.