Gorišek Maruša

Maruša Gorišek is a MA of Political Science and a PhD student of Sociology at the School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica. She is working as a young researcher at the Institute for developmental and strategic analyses in Ljubljana, where she is a member of a research program titled Socio-cultural and organizational aspects of knowledge and technology transfer. Her research currently focuses on the concept of meritocracy and the role of experts, knowledge and science in societies. She gained practical experiences working at the field of public relations and as a Schumann trainee at the European parliament liaison office. Already during her undergraduate studies, she participated in two international exchanges at the Masaryk University in Brno and the University of Helsinki. As a part of ASEF Junior Fellowship, she is going on a study visit to prof. Peter J. Verovšek to the University of Sheffield.

In her free time, she is mainly involved in curling, where she is also a multiple-time national champion and a member of the Slovenian national team.

Maruša Gorišek je magistrica politologije in doktorska študentka sociologije na Fakulteti za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici. Kot mlada raziskovalka je zaposlena na Inštitutu za razvojne in strateške analize, kjer je članica programske skupine Sociokulturni in organizacijski vidiki prenosa znanja in tehnologije. Trenutno se raziskovalno ukvarja predvsem s konceptom meritokracije ter vprašanjem vloge ekspertov, znanja in znanosti v družbi. Praktične izkušnje si je med drugim nabirala tudi z delom na področju odnosov z javnostmi ter v pisarni Evropskega parlamenta v okviru programa Schumannove prakse. Že tekom dodiplomskega in magistrskega študija se je udeležila dveh izmenjav na Masarykovi univerzi v Brnu ter na Univerzi v Helsinkih, v okviru ASEF Junior Fellowship pa se podaja na študijski obisk k prof. Petru J. Verovšku na Univerzo v Sheffieldu.

V prostem času se ukvarja predvsem s curlingom, kjer je tudi večkratna državna prvakinja in slovenska reprezentantka.
